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Photo Info Details

Name: 12-Gauge Calhoun
Location: Southern North Necronomicon
Special Powers: Itchy trigger finger,
Immune to psionic attacks
Monsters Killed: 101-500

Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Administrator
Location: Necronomicon
Special Powers: limitless power, please send questions and concerns to me.
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Evil Dead II
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Lightning
Location: Millbury
Special Powers: Super Speed, Super Strength, Lightning Combat, Lightning Projection, Super Intellegence
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: Spider-Man 2
Good Looking?: Yes

Name: Nick Romantic, aka Morpheus
Location: Between Heaven and Hell.
Special Powers: Necromancy, vast occult knowledge, astral plane travel, scathing sarcasm, alcohol consumption.
Monsters Killed: 101-500
Favorite Movie: Faces of Death 1 - 4
Good Looking?: Yes

Name: Stace
Location: Woo
Special Powers: Mind control
Monsters Killed: 500+

Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Paul Daley
Location: Massachusetts
Special Powers: I can kill people just by touching them. Can't get much cooler then that
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Braveheart
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Bobert J. Costas
Location: Upton, MA
Special Powers: Ability to create and destroy entire worlds within the confines of my psyche; ability to compress and manipulate pockets of air to such a degree that I create seemingly invisible "wind razords" which I use to slash and rend my enemies; posessor of the almighty MANBOOBS OF DARK FURY, which allow me to lull any being into a stupor by means of sexual hypnotism.
Monsters Killed: 101-500
Favorite Movie: Edward Scissorhands
Good Looking?: No

Name: Bungle
Location: in a dingle-berry bush, covered in cheese.
Special Powers: Infinite supply of dingle berries to be picked n flicked.

Favorite Movie: AIRPLANE!
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Swedberg
Location: Not Necrinomicon
Special Powers: Ultra Laziness, and the power to be fat.
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Point Break
Good Looking?: No

Name: Carl
Location: Ma
Special Powers: Can make people disapear
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: 50 First Dates
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: cyn
Location: not worc
Special Powers: mind manipulation

Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: William Hassinger
Location: Warehouse 23
Special Powers: [Fnord]

Favorite Movie: Tron
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Deadite666
Location: California
Special Powers: have ability to control rats, able to spit green slime @ a distance of 18.3 feet
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Evil Dead
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Dynamo Habeeb
Location: Necronomicon, MA
Special Powers: Quick Draw, Cavalry Pistol, Correspondence,immortality, rapid healing
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: evil dead 2
Good Looking?: No

Special Powers: OMNIPOTENT
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: THE PASSION OF ME

Name: implify
Location: just out of reach
Special Powers: I can calm jittery squirrels, communicate with corn, and shake exactly two aspirin out of a bottle

Name: Ultima K
Location: Lunenburg
Special Powers: blowin' ya mind!

Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Jack Tremor
Location: Across the Universe.
Special Powers: I can stop bullets in my teeth and spit them back. Reverse Moonwalking. Eating Vanilla Bean Ice Cream. Learning from Bush People of Africa. And I never kid around, I ONLY kill...
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Gigli
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: JanuarygirlKC

Special Powers: .

Name: Jingo Jubilee
Location: Giraffeton
Special Powers: Persuation, deception, photographic memory, mind control, experienced in fighting.
Monsters Killed: 101-500
Favorite Movie: Battle Royale
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Jinx Jubilee
Location: Matool
Special Powers: - Transforming:
When aggravated, Jinx turns into the carnivorous dinosaur of his choice.
- Confusion:
Jinx can get so confused that he will baffle you and cause you to tip over.
- Rampage (only used when transformation would be inappropriate, like at comic book store or his mom's house):
Jinx Jubilee gets wicked mad when people make fun of good movies (like if their trying to be a jerk or something), especially low budget horror movies. He's not very strong, but he could probably sever your head if you made fun his favorite movies.
* When in dire circumstances, Jubilee will lie like a terd-burgling pooch and use unnecessary amounts of sarcasm, this does not always (or usually) withdraw him from those dire circumstances.
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: The Good, The Bad, & the Ugly
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Jonnie Jerko
Special Powers: Summon giant spiders to my aid; tear the intact skeletons out of my enemies' quivering bodies; produce farts so caustic they can melt hope; make decaf coffee taste delicious; vomit forth a magickal cat named Hairball to fight by my side; all kinds of voodoo shit you don't even wanna know about, fool.
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Superfuzz
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: karana
Location: the swamps of sexiness
Special Powers: poppin' and lockin'
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: tideland
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: kirchhoa
Location: Mandyland
Special Powers: debate
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: Evil Dead II
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: leannan13
Location: Worcester
Special Powers: ability to make Muppet's dance.
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: Plan 9 From Outer Space

Name: Tia Xi Xing
Location: Min
Special Powers: Illusion, Pak Mei 18 Ghosts Fist,
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Close Encounters of The Spooky Kind
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Melissa Clements

Special Powers: being dynamo's daughter

Good Looking?: Yes

Name: Molly
Location: Worcester
Special Powers: Mind control, shape shifting, invisibility
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: Hellraiser
Good Looking?: Yes

Name: joe wronski
Location: just this side of hell
Special Powers: Biting wit, scalding sarcasm, and a cunning linguist
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: butch cassidy and the sundance kid
Good Looking?: Yes

Name: nagie
Location: fun land
Special Powers: power to manipulate
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: barny
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Oracle
Location: Necronomicon, MA
Special Powers: Spells, Spells, Spells
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Poltergeist
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Patrick
Location: USA
Special Powers: Mind control

Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction
Good Looking?: Yes

Name: Matt
Special Powers: Every power known to man.
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Spiderman
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: pyrit jenny
Location: worcester
Special Powers: i come equipped with magnets which attract both good and evil forces alike. i have tried several times to disengage them but have yet to be successful. i now choose to embrace them.

Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: ReverendTom
Location: Behind you with an axe
Special Powers: That would be telling
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Robust Fleischmann
Location: suburb of necronomicon
Special Powers: nearsightedness

Favorite Movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Round Trip Jones
Location: Necronomicon
Special Powers: Super Human Agility and Reflexes, Wrestling, Supreme Candy Eating Abilities, Romancing the Ladies, Pop Star
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Round Trip Jones vs. The Zombie Roller Derby Dudes
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Samurai Jackass
Location: The Batcave
Special Powers: *Master of all weapons purchased at Flea Markets
*Able to hack wrestling videogames to give himself the upperhand
*Can tell asian people apart
Monsters Killed: 20-100
Favorite Movie: Yojimbo
Good Looking?: Extremely

Name: Stefania
Location: Marlborough, Ma
Special Powers: electric hellfire,knives,destroying cheerleaders.
Monsters Killed: 500+
Favorite Movie: Alucarda
Good Looking?: Yes

Name: silica
Location: Necronomicon
Special Powers: Silica once made a ray gun out of tape and a box of tampons

Favorite Movie: Evil Dead II
Good Looking?: Extremely

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Hunting Tips

I'm friggin' pissed! 


Someone ate my last half gallon of vanilla bean ice cream that I had in the sub-zero walk-in freezer. It was clearly labeled "TINY WIGHT's VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM, ASSHOLE. NO TOUCHY." 


I just got back from the grocery store with all these sundae fixin's and now I'm standing here with MUD on my face. Whoever took that ice cream, I swear to you "I will punch your fucking lights out".




What's best after killing zombies?

D.S.T.S Member

Special Powers:: Silica once made a ray gun out of tape and a box of tampons

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