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Home arrow News arrow The Deadites News arrow Deadites Win Turtle Boy 2008
Deadites Win Turtle Boy 2008

The Deadites have once again taken home the award that was made for them. The Deadites have been honored with the "Best Electronic Band" award in the Worcester Magazine Turtle Boy Music Awards.

read more about the awards here

and if you are resourceful, you may find a copy of the benefit CD that was released, featuring a never before released version of "Trick or Treat Spy" 

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Hunting Tips

I'm friggin' pissed! 


Someone ate my last half gallon of vanilla bean ice cream that I had in the sub-zero walk-in freezer. It was clearly labeled "TINY WIGHT's VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM, ASSHOLE. NO TOUCHY." 


I just got back from the grocery store with all these sundae fixin's and now I'm standing here with MUD on my face. Whoever took that ice cream, I swear to you "I will punch your fucking lights out".




What's best after killing zombies?

D.S.T.S Member

Nick Romantic, aka Morpheus
Special Powers:: Necromancy, vast occult knowledge, astral plane travel, scathing sarcasm, alcohol consumption.

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