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The Deadites News
Deadites Win Turtle Boy 2008
Halloween '07 Photo Roundup
Dynamo's New Club
Silica's Outrageous TV Interview
Oracle's Pirate Ship Vacation
Ethan's New TV Show
Andy Christ in pictures
Halloween 2007
The Deadites Win Best Electronic Band Award and More!
The Deadites Want You!
Ethan Streaks for Hunger
Deadites Win 2006 Turtle Boy Award
Dynamo and Big O to wrestle once again
Silica Signs DVD Deal
Vigilante and Tiny Wight Win Texas Tag Team Belts
Tiny Wight Sex Tape Controversy
Silica DVDs a Success, new ones coming soon
The Deadites in the new Star Wars
Andy Christ on Ebay
Dynamo & Tiny Looking for Somewhere to Rumble
Andy Christ and Oracle Keynote Speakers
Dynamo Distributes Pain for Free
Oracle Wins Japanese Wormtown Sound Award
Tiny Wight vow Revenge in Smackdown Tournament
Tiny and Dynamo Return From England
Andy Christ Injured
Ethan Magloophabitz Arrested at DNC
Bigfoot Sighting in Necronomicon
Tiny Wight reacts to guest singers, violently
Ethan Released from Prison
Ethan Goes to Jail for Shouting at the Devil
Dynamo Habeeb's Top 13 Monster Hunting/Evil Bashing Tutorials for 2003
The Deadites are officially the greatest band of the world
The Deadites and such
The Deadites Love You
A Christmas Message
Regarding Huck
Zombies will die a horrific death
The Deadites Photo Opportunity
Dynamo Habeeb from Zombie Lake
Dear Micheal Eggert Jr.
Happy Day of Trudication!
Wesley Willis Co-Headlines Deadites Show
Silica Appears at The Deadites Headquarters
Deadites Headline The Space
Dynamo Habeeb Rescues SCIP 13
The Deadites defeat Felinius Fiendly
Zombie Mugger Raid, DSTS Members Injured
Deadites Return from Yeti Hunt in Nepal

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Hunting Tips

I'm friggin' pissed! 


Someone ate my last half gallon of vanilla bean ice cream that I had in the sub-zero walk-in freezer. It was clearly labeled "TINY WIGHT's VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM, ASSHOLE. NO TOUCHY." 


I just got back from the grocery store with all these sundae fixin's and now I'm standing here with MUD on my face. Whoever took that ice cream, I swear to you "I will punch your fucking lights out".




What's best after killing zombies?

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Tiny Wight
Special Powers:: Master of the Fight

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