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The Deadites

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Silica is a time lord whose manipulations were influential in putting the Deadites together Silica has been fighting evil for hundred of years and will be fighting evil in hundreds of years all at the same time.

Height: 6ft
Weight: 78 liquid ounces (as weighed on the third moon of Kion at the big bang)
Age: 225
Rivals: Fagan (lord of the thief’s) Doc Siddal (radio dj) Eric godin (promoter) Richard millhouse Nixon (super villain), Abe Lincoln (spy), Dracula (lord of the dead), Tejo Khan (war lord). Merlyn (crime lord) James Gang (gang)

AKA:  ‘wayfarer from whenever”. “Time traveling technophial”. “Time lord” “stone age pimp” “worlds most dangerous mind” “carols’

Weapons of choice: brilliant mind

On stage: synth, percussion
Gear: various synthesizers old and new, always changing.

Silica is a time lord whose manipulations were influential in putting the Deadites together
Silica has been fighting evil for hundred of years and will be fighting evil in hundreds of years all at the same time
Silica once made a ray gun out of tape and a box of tampons
Silcas only failures happened during his feud with President Abe Lincoln.
The wrestling president over powered the brain powered hero injuring so bad that he was unable to stop merlins agent (john wilks booth) from killing Lincoln.
Silica seldom see’s battle field action instead coordinates thins via a complex psychic chat room video  brain email feed he invented in 32830
When he does venture away from the crypt he usually pilots “the death coaster” (a huge futuristic battle tank name after the car in Sam ramie’s “army of darkness”

Silica's D.S.T.S. Page 

Silica Photo Gallery:

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Hunting Tips

I'm friggin' pissed! 


Someone ate my last half gallon of vanilla bean ice cream that I had in the sub-zero walk-in freezer. It was clearly labeled "TINY WIGHT's VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM, ASSHOLE. NO TOUCHY." 


I just got back from the grocery store with all these sundae fixin's and now I'm standing here with MUD on my face. Whoever took that ice cream, I swear to you "I will punch your fucking lights out".




What's best after killing zombies?

D.S.T.S Member

joe wronski
Special Powers:: Biting wit, scalding sarcasm, and a cunning linguist

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