Roundtrip Jones |
He joined the Deadites and fought by their side as a brave hero, a brother and a friend. He was killed in a battle with the vampire hit man Reverend Ennis. Roundtrip Jones' funeral service rivaled that of JFK or Anna Nicole Smith, attracting such famous names as EL Santo, Negro Casas, el Felino, el Dandy, la Parka and Erick Estrada.
?Short on manpower and missing their friend, the Deadites went against their own oath to destroy the undead and brought RTJ back to life using an ancient ritual. Now more than a zombie but less then a human, the brave grappler fights once again with the Dead, the Rad and the Funky.
Prior to the "werewolf incident", RTJ held 20 Lucha Libre belts.
EYES: Zombielike
Hair: Mask
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs
Age: Irrelevant
Rivals; Round Trip Jones vs. Zombie Mugger. Round Trip Jones vs. the Sexual Frankenstein, Round Trip Jones vs. the Freaky Midget Pirates, Round Trip Jones vs. the Demons from the 1,745th Dimension, Round Trip Jones vs. the Eye Of the Beholder, Round Trip Jones vs. the Wicked Old Mummy Guy, Round Trip Jones vs. the Oozy, Gross Aliens From Planet B, Round Trip Jones vs. the Zombie Roller Derby Dudes
AKA: “THE UNDEAD LUCHA DEMOLTION DERBY” , “Dude Sunshine”. “Sexy Beast” “Necrophilla Pimp Daddy”
Weapons of choice: Brilliant wrestling, zombie bite
On stage: Keys, sexy dancing , super Nintendo
Gear: Assorted candy . Roland HS60, Super Nintendo
Roundtrip Jones Photo Gallery:
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I'm friggin' pissed!
Someone ate my last half gallon of vanilla bean ice cream that I had in the sub-zero walk-in freezer. It was clearly labeled "TINY WIGHT's VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM, ASSHOLE. NO TOUCHY."
I just got back from the grocery store with all these sundae fixin's and now I'm standing here with MUD on my face. Whoever took that ice cream, I swear to you "I will punch your fucking lights out".
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