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The Deadites

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Dynamo Habeeb (vw)

EYES: brown
Hair: brown
Height: 5ft 10 inch
Weight: 235
Age: 225
Rivals;  Fagen ( lord of the thief’s) Doc Siddal (radio dude) Scott Ricciuti (front man of Huck) The Big O (wrestler) Chris Sataro (wrestling promoter) Joey Torn (wrestler) Quadruple S (wrestler). Super Ape (world conquer) Satan Man (hit man) Wolfare (lord of the wolf men) Eric Godin (promoter)


AKA: “Innovator of inebriation”. “Redneck Kabuki”. “Cerebral sex machine”. “Whiskey drinking father of all that’s funky” “front man of the god’s”

Weapons of choice:
Cavalry Revolver
Bowie Knife
Sub machine gun

On stage: front man

Gear: SLX24/Beta58 Wireless System

Dynamo is the front man of the Deadites.

He is an immortal that has been rocking stages and fighting the dead for over 200 years. He is sharp wit and fearless tongue is only matched by his total disregarded for his own well being.

In combated he mixes wiled brawling with wrestling judo and MMA techniques into his own bran of battle field mayhem

He is also an accomplished well rounded pro wrestler who has held many regional titles.
Habeeb and Deadites cofounder Tiny Wight make an innovative tag team named “The Twilight Society” who as of late have been mentored by the great captain Lou Albano

Other Dynamo projects include. The Velvet Whores, his hard rock band from the 70’s who wrote almost every rock anthem you know. Additionally ‘The Mountain Morgue Band” his country band who has been missing since a tour with Johnny cash in 1960.

Dynamo is originally from Ireland but upon moving to the USA took up in the small pronominally Asian Texas town “Tokyo”.

He moved to Necronomicon MA after the break up of the Whores in 1980 and has lived there since

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Hunting Tips

I'm friggin' pissed! 


Someone ate my last half gallon of vanilla bean ice cream that I had in the sub-zero walk-in freezer. It was clearly labeled "TINY WIGHT's VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM, ASSHOLE. NO TOUCHY." 


I just got back from the grocery store with all these sundae fixin's and now I'm standing here with MUD on my face. Whoever took that ice cream, I swear to you "I will punch your fucking lights out".




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